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Complying with VGBA 2017 is easy with AquaStar!

Please see below product specifications, flow rates, and other support documents.

To learn more about the important changes to VGBA, please continue to scroll down to our FAQ section.

VGBA Has Changed
We Have You Covered

Click the image for important VGBA 2017 information. 

How to Size and Select a VGBA 2017 Compliant Drain System_Digital_090721.4_Online

Product Specifications, Flow Rates, and Other Support Documents

Viewing information for:

Model # 12MFxxxSSB

12" Square MoFlow™ Suction Outlet Cover with PVC Side 3'' Socket x 4'' Spigot Port Sump

VGBA 2008 Certified Documents

Specifications/Flow Rates

Other Support Documents

Use VGBA 2008 documentation if assembly  was manufactured BEFORE May 24, 2021


Please refer to the VGBA-2017 Product Specification for SOFA Specific Flow Rating and refer to VGBA 2017 Certified Documents.

VGBA 2017 Certified Documents

Specifications/Flow Rates

Other Support Documents

Use VGBA 2017 documentation if assembly  was manufactured AFTER May 24, 2021

Hover mouse over question mark to learn more

All AquaStar drain covers manufactured between December 19, 2008 and May 24, 2021, are compliant with APSP-16 2011 and therefore they are approved for installation and use after May 24, 2021.

Please refer to the VGBA Certification of Compliance for SOFA Specific Flow Rating and refer to VGBA 2008 Certified Documents.

VGBA 2017 Product Specifications and Flow Rates

Click to open and download the complete document using a PDF Reader


A10RCFR Specifications Summary Rev 5-10-

Product made before May 24, 2021 is approved for use after this date in accordance with ANSI/APSP/ICC-16 2017, paragraph 1.1.2. Existing product compliance.

1.1.2 Existing product compliance
SOFA components that were manufactured or installed before the effective date of this standard,and that meet APSP-16 2011, shall be considered in compliance with this standard.

Product Menu

Click the button to expand each option. 

Please use the menu below to find information specific to this product. 


Additional Support Files

Users can now download every file we offer from our entire drain cover collection or just individual files with "One-Click", through our hosting partners. Click the blue buttons below to go to this products file folder.

Please use the gold links below to download our files from DropBox.


Product Specific Frequent Asked Questions

Click on a question to see the answer. If you do not see your question below scroll down to the bottom to send us your question. 


Does the 12MFxxx have an expiration date?

Yes. The VGBA law that went into effect in 2008 requires that all public pools and spas have drain covers that comply with the ASME/ANSI A112.19.8 performance standard, or any successor standard, currently ANSI/APSP/ICC 16-2017. This standard requires that manufacturers determine a life expectancy and place a permanent mark with ''Life: X Years'' on each cover to indicate lifespan. At AquaStar, based on UV, structural and fastener testing, we've determined that our drain covers should be replaced every five years from the date of installation, as stated in our instructions. Please look above under ''Support Documents'' to download a Certificate of Compliance for this product. Please fill out and safely store this document, it may be requested during inspection processes.


Will the 12MFxxx replace any other manufacturer drain covers?

Yes, in addition to fitting all AquaStar 12'' square frames, the 12MFxxx also fits Pentair's 3/4'' deep square 12'' frames covers with 4x4 screw hole pattern.

This product cannot be ordered without a frame, if the frame is not necessary for the replacement, please discard it.


When the cover for the 12MFxxx expires, do I need to replace the mudframe/sump too?

The existing frame/sump must be in good condition, or else it must be replaced.

The drain cover's screws must securely fasten to the frame and have a minimum of three threads of engagement.

If a replacement mud frame is needed an alternative option to replastering in a new mud frame may be to consider installing our 16'' Square Anti-Entrapment Suction Outlet Cover, Model# 1216xxx (xxx = Color Code). The 1216xxx can be installed with an option Brass Anchor Kit , Model# BIK4, that will allow the cover to be installed directly to the pool floor without a mud frame. A skilled diver with the appropriate tools may be able to complete this installation without having to drain the pool.


Where can I find the manufacturing date for the 12MFxxx suction outlet cover?

The manufacture date is molded on to each drain cover, it is represented by a small dial that has the year in the center and an arrow pointing to the month.




VGBA Frequent Asked Questions

Please see below the most common questions about the VGBA 2017 standard

Click the button to expand each option


VGBA 2017 and ANSI/APSP/ICC-16 2017


What is the VGBA and the APSP/ANSI/ICC-16 2017 standard?

The goal of the Virgina Grame Baker Act (VGBA) is to avoid drowning in swimming pools and spas by preventing drain entrapment. The Act mandates that drain covers meet the entrapment protection standards of the joint ASME/ANSI A112.19.8 performance standard, or any successor standard. The VGBA also mandates that public pools be supplied with drain covers that fulfill the ASME/ANSI or any successor standard's specifications. If a successor standard to ASME/ANSI/A112.19.8 is suggested and the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) finds it is in the public interest, the change must be incorporated into the mandatory drain cover standard, according to the VGBA. On December 19, 2008, the VGBA went into effect.

The ASME/ANSI A112.19.8 successor standard, APSP-16 2011, was recognized by the CPSC on August 5, 2011. The APSP-16 2011, contains requirements that address hair entrapment, body entrapment, and limb entrapment.

APSP notified the CPSC on March 27, 2018, that a successor pool drain cover standard to APSP-16 2011 had been published in collaboration with ANSI and the International Code Council (ICC), ANSI/APSP/ICC-16 2017. (APSP-16 2017).

APSP-16 2017 provides materials, testing, use, installation, and marketing criteria for new or replacement suction outlet fitting assemblies that are designed to be submerged for use in any pool.


What changes to the VGBA are important to know?


The APSP-16 2017 establishes materials, testing, use, installation, and marketing requirements for new or replacement suction outlet fitting assemblies that are designed to be fully submerged for use in any pool or spa. APSP-16 2017 requires manufacturers to comply with new physical testing requirements, new definitions, and new labeling requirements for all drain covers molded/manufactured beginning May 24,2021.

Here are two important changes to note:


Sump Depth: The space between the finished surface of the pool and the suction pipe opening. If a pipe is coming into a sump at the side, the measurement must be taken from the inside diameter of the pipe.

Sump Depth

Sump depths

If the sump depth is greater than 16’’ you may use the highest flow rating (GPM) listed on the SOFA Specifications Sheet.

According to the APSP/ANSI/ICC-16 2017 standard, there is no need to do hair testing for a suction outlet if the hair used in testing cannot reach it. As a result, APSP/ANSI/ICC-16 2017 mandates that each suction outlet be tested for hair entanglement, only if the “flow path length” (i.e.,
The space between the finished surface of the pool and the suction pipe opening) is less than 16 inches, which is the maximum length of hair used in the hair tests.

If the sump depth is less than 16’’ you must install the cover using one of the provided configurations on the SOFA Specifications Sheet and use the associated flow rate.

The requirement in APSP/ANSI/ICC-16 2017 to test at every suction outlet reachable by the hair test specimen will improve bather safety since it eliminates the possibility of a SOFA being installed differently than it was tested, clarifies prior practice, and is backed up by laboratory testing. As a result, the Consumer Product Safety Commission concludes that testing each SOFA suction outlet configuration is in the public interest.

Sump depths

> 16''

< 16''


Manufacturing date will now determine what instructions/documentation to use when installing a drain cover. Under the VGBA 2017 all suction outlets fitting assemblies that are manufactured after May 24, 2021 must comply to the APSP/ANSI/ICC-16 2017 Standard. The documentation for these covers can be found above under the title "VGBA 2017 Certified Documents".

AquaStar suction outlet fitting assemblies manufactured before May 24, 2021 may be installed, but must be installed in accordance to the included instructions. The documentation for these covers can be found above under the title "VGBA 2008 Certified Documents". AquaStar Drain covers manufactured before May 24, 2021 that met the APSP-16 2011 standard conform to the APSP/ANSI/ICC-16 2017 standard per section 1.1.2 Existing Product Compliance.

1.1.2 Existing product compliance
SOFA components that were manufactured or installed before the effective date of this standard,and that meet APSP-16 2011, shall be considered in compliance with this standard.

Please check your cover for the following items listed below to determine if it was manufactured before or after May 24, 2021.

Check Items
Find on The Product

VGBA 2017
Certified Documents

 VGB 2008
Certified Documents

On All Products
Manufacture date is after "May 24,2021"
(Use VGBA 2017 Documentation)

On Some Products
Manufacture date is before "May 24,2021"
(Use VGB 2008 Documentation)

On Some Products
Compliance button or emboss that says "VGBA 2017"
(Use VGBA 2017 Documentation)

On Some Products
Compliance button or emboss that says "VGB 2008"
(Use VGB 2008 Documentation)

Compliance Stamp

Manufacturing Date

VGBA 2008 Compliance

Compliance Button.png


VGBA 2017 Compliance



Time Stamp.png

VGB 2008
Manufacturing Date

VGBA 2017 Manufacturing Date




Embossed Words

The Words

VGBA 2017 or

ASME/ANSI A112.19.8 (2007, 2008a, or 2009b), ANSI/APSP-16 2011

On All Products
The words "VGBA 2017"
(Use VGBA 2017 Documentation)

On All Products
The words ASME/ANSI A112.19.8 (2007, 2008a, or 2009b), ANSI/APSP-16 2011, VGB 2008
(Use VGB 2008 Documentation)


VGBA 2017 and VGBA 2008 Documentation


Should VGBA 2008 or VGBA 2017 documentation be used?

There has been a change to VGBA, all suction outlets fitting assemblies that are manufactured after May 24, 2021 must comply to the APSP/ANSI/ICC-16 2017 Standard. The documentation for these covers can be found above under the title "VGBA 2017 Certified Documents".

AquaStar suction outlet fitting assemblies manufactured before May 24, 2021 may be installed, but must be installed in accordance with the included instructions. The documentation for these covers can be found above under the title "VGBA 2008 Certified Documents".


Please check your cover for the following items listed below to determine if it was manufactured before or after May 24, 2021.

Please check your cover for the following items listed below to determine if it was manufactured before or after May 24, 2021.

Check Items
Find on The Product

VGBA 2017
Certified Documents

 VGB 2008
Certified Documents

On All Products
Manufacture date is after "May 24,2021"
(Use VGBA 2017 Documentation)

On Some Products
Manufacture date is before "May 24,2021"
(Use VGB 2008 Documentation)

On Some Products
Compliance button or emboss that says "VGBA 2017"
(Use VGBA 2017 Documentation)

On Some Products
Compliance button or emboss that says "VGB 2008"
(Use VGB 2008 Documentation)

Compliance Stamp

Manufacturing Date

VGBA 2008 Compliance

Compliance Button.png


VGBA 2017 Compliance



Time Stamp.png

VGB 2008
Manufacturing Date

VGBA 2017 Manufacturing Date




Embossed Words

The Words

VGBA 2017 or

ASME/ANSI A112.19.8 (2007, 2008a, or 2009b), ANSI/APSP-16 2011

On All Products
The words "VGBA 2017"
(Use VGBA 2017 Documentation)

On All Products
The words ASME/ANSI A112.19.8 (2007, 2008a, or 2009b), ANSI/APSP-16 2011, VGB 2008
(Use VGB 2008 Documentation)


What do the model numbers represent in the VGBA-2017 Product Specification?

Drain covers manufactured after May 24, 2021 must be installed using one of the configurations listed in the VGBA-2017 Product Specifications sheet, unless the sump depth is greater than 16''.

Drain covers are intended to be used with a variety of sumps of varying dimension and pipe size.

AquaStar utilizes an extended SOFA model number for specifying the critical sump dimensions and pipe details. Please refer to the example below:




Cover Model Number: A10RCFR-10
Orientation: Floor
Specified PVC Pipe Size (A): 1.5''
Minimum Sump Depth (B): 0'' (Sumpless)
Minimum Ledge Depth (C): 0''
Maximum Ledge width (D): 0''
Minimum Pipe Offset (E): 0''
Minimum Length Before Reduction (F): 16''


What is the VGBA Drain Cover Identification Sheet?

Blockable Drain Cover Label_REV1.1_With

The APSP/ANSI/ICC-16 2017 standard requires manufacturers include removable identification tags with each suction outlet fitting assembly (SOFA).  Drain covers made before May 24, 2021 do not include identification cards and are not required.


This tag is intended to be used to help display and keep the records of the drain covers that are installed.

The APSP/ANSI/ICC-16 2017 requires the manufacturer to inform the installer to fill out both copies of the Identification sheet and to post one near the pump controller and give the other copy to owner/pool operator.

You can find your SOFA Specific Flow Rate by clicking on "View Specifications" above.


Manufacturing Date and Life Expectancy


Do drain covers have an expiration date?

Yes, drain covers have a life expectancy and it starts on the date of installation.


VGBA requires that manufacturers determine a life expectancy and place a permanent mark with ''Life: X Years'' on each cover to indicate lifespan. At AquaStar, based on UV, structural and fastener testing, we've determined that our drain covers should be replaced every five years from the date of installation, as stated in our instructions.


Where is the manufacturing date stamp and how can it be interpreted?

Time Stamp.png

The manufacture date is molded on to each drain cover, it is represented by a small dial that has the year in the center and an arrow pointing to the month. Some drain covers manufactured before May 24, 2021 did not include manufacturing dates.


Installing and Replacing SOFAs


Can a drain cover that says VGB 2008 and/or was manufactured BEFORE May 24, 2021 be installed?

Yes!* The ASPS/ANSI/ICC-16 2017 standard states the following:

1.1.2 Existing product compliance.
SOFA components that were manufactured or installed before the effective date of this standard,and that meet APSP-16 2011, shall be considered in compliance with this standard.


Manufacturing date will now determine what instructions/documentation to use when installing a drain cover. Under the VGBA 2017 all suction outlet fitting assemblies that are manufactured after May 24, 2021 must comply to the APSP/ANSI/ICC-16 2017 Standard. The documentation for these covers can be found above under the title "VGBA 2017 Certified Documents".

AquaStar suction outlet fitting assemblies manufactured before May 24, 2021 may be installed, but must be installed in accordance with the included instructions. The documentation for these covers can be found above under the title "VGBA 2008 Certified Documents". AquaStar Drain covers manufactured before May 24, 2021 that met the APSP-16 2011 standard conform to the APSP/ANSI/ICC-16 2017 standard per section 1.1.2 Existing Product Compliance.

1.1.2 Existing product compliance.
SOFA components that were manufactured or installed before the effective date of this standard,and that meet APSP-16 2011, shall be considered in compliance with this standard.

Please keep record of when the cover was installed and replace after 5 years from the date of installation.

* In VERY rare cases distribution stock may have products that were not manufactured before the APSP-16 2011 standard came into effect. These products may have been discontinued. If you have received new product that has a manufacturing date before 2014, please call AquaStar Pool Products at (877) 768-2717.


If a SOFA that was manufactured AFTER May 24, 2021 is being used for replacement, should the VGBA 2017 or VGBA 2008 Certified Documents be used? What if the replacement SOFA is the same model number as the existing SOFA?

When installing a suction outlet fitting assembly (SOFA) it is always important to follow the included instructions.


If a drain cover is manufactured AFTER May 24, 2021 that drain cover must be installed in accordance with VGBA 2017 Certified Documentation. If a drain cover is manufactured BEFORE May 24, 2021 that drain cover must be installed in accordance with VGBA 2008 Certified Documentation.

If a drain cover was made BEFORE May 24, 2021, it is not permissible to use VGBA 2017 Certified Documentation. Please follow the instructions that were included with the product.

Before making a selection for a replacement drain cover it is always best to understand how the existing drain covers are installed. If the configuration is unknown and the available certified installation configurations listed on the VGBA 2017 Product Specification sheet are unlikely to work, it is recommended that this information is sought out before selection to avoid error.


What if the sump depth, pipe size, and/or pipe orientation of an existing SOFA is unknown?

Knowing the sump depth, pipe size, and/or pipe orientation is important in determining a SOFA specific flow rating for an application. If this information is not known, it is recommended that the information is sought before selecting a drain cover. Options to obtain this information may include having to drain the pool or hiring a diver. 

AquaStar strives to test and list a variety of configurations to make the proper SOFA selection easier. Our Universal Sumpless line of drain covers  (A10RCFRxxx, 914xxx, 1216xxx, 1824xxx) are intended to work in a variety of applications.

If a drain cover was manufactured BEFORE May 24, 2021 it may be installed over any pipe size, unless otherwise noted, as long as the minimum sump depth is adhered to and the system's maximum total flow does not exceed the drain cover's flow rating in the VGBA 2008 documentation.

When installing a drain cover it is important to record VGBA information. Please use the VGBA Drain Cover Identification sheet that comes with all drain covers manufactured AFTER May 24, 2021.


Suction System Flow Ratings


What steps should be taken to properly size covers for a suction system?

Most Modern Standards Limit Velocity to 6 fps

FPS Guage.png

MAX GPM Capacities of Pipes

Pipe Sizing Chart2.png

1. Determine the Design Flow Rate

The flow rate needed for proper function


e.g. 4 Spa Jets @ 20 GPM each = 80 GPM

2. Size Pipe to Not Exceed 6 fps or 8 fps

Refer to the chart labeled Max GPM Capacities of Pipes

Example (continued):

The pipe needs to be minimum 2-1/2'' 

2-1/2'' Pipe @ 6 fps = 90 GPM

3. Select a Pump That Can Deliver

Review example Pump's Model Specific Performance Curve

Example (continued):

80 GPM through 2-1/2'' pipe and overall system

e.g. Pump with max flow of 164 GPM

4. Select a Drain System With A VGBA Flow Rating higher than the maximum flow potential of the pump.*

Select a drain system with a higher flow rating than the highest potential flow rate. See "highlighted area" in Pump's Model Specific Peformance Curve Example

Example (continued):

e.g. A10RCFRxxx, qty 2, with max flow using a 2.5'' pipe of 170 GPM, see specification sheet.

*NOTICE: Pump flow potential is best determined by measuring flow or measuring the TDH of the system during high-speed, clean-filter operation and then looking up the actual flow using the manufacturer’s published pump curve. To avoid oversizing drain covers and suction piping, the use of a flow meter or the TDH measurement method is suggested for pumps larger than 3 HP.

Pump's Model Specific Performance Curve Example

Example Pump Curve.png

What is Flow Potential?

Flow potential is the highest possible flow rate for a specific pump and system.


Drain covers must be sized to handle the highest possible flow potential for the system  - not the flow rate the pump is expected to operate at most of the time.

Pump's Model Specific Performance Curve Example

Example Pump Curve.png
Caution Symbol.png
Check Symbol.png

Hazard: Pump flow rates higher
than the cover’s rating can increase
the risk of hair entrapment and cause
dangerous suction levels.

Solution: Choose a cover with a
higher flow rate than the maximum
flow potential of the pump. 

A pump’s highest potential flow rate is found at the end of the model’s specific performance curve, highlighted in yellow above labeled "Highlighted Area".* It is important to select a cover with a higher flow rating.

*NOTICE: Pump flow potential is best determined by measuring flow or measuring the TDH of the system during high-speed, clean-filter operation and then looking up the actual flow using the manufacturer’s published pump curve. To avoid oversizing drain covers and suction piping, the use of a flow meter or the TDH measurement method is suggested for pumps larger than 3 HP.


Replacing Pumps and VGBA Compliance


What key questions should be asked to ensure VGBA compliance when replacing a pump?

When replacing any pump or pump motor, check the covers to confirm suction safety and compliance. If you find any problems, warn the customer and offer to fix it.


Key Questions To Answer:
1. Are the drain covers appropriately fastened and undamaged?

2. Is the system VGBA compliant and are the drain covers VGBA certified?

3. Have the drain covers been installed for more than their service “Life in Years”?

4. Do the drain covers have a flow rating higher than the new pump’s maximum flow potential?

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